Vocabulary--14 Nov 11
thrive / prosperar o crecer muy bien
Kudos / felicidades (informal)
Congrats / felicidades (short for "congratulations")
Yasthel Gonzalez
criar / bring up
mencionar / bring up
snit / una rabieta de adultos
fit / seizure
have / tener o haber
ruthless / sin merced
they stoop at nothing / no hay nada que ellos no hayan.....
guttersnipes / de lo mas bajo de los bajos
wordmonger / un vendedor de palabras
tantrum / rabieta de ninos
filthy / muy sucio
Grammar--six characteristics of verbs
1. Person > I / you / he / she / it / we / they
2. Tense –past present future
3. Quality of action > simple / continuous / perfect ( yo como / estoy comiendo / he comidlo)
4. Positive /negative / question
5. Voice > active versus passive ( he drank the beer versus / the beer was drunk)
6. Mood > indicative/ subjunctive / imperative ( I drink beer / If I drank beer all day long / DRINK!)
The three principal parts:
Present / past / past participle ( ________ado / ________ido > past participle)